Everyone who has thought about starting a Home Based business Fall into 3 Categories. They Tried an MLM and Failed. They looked at an MLM and were very skeptical. They Tried an MLM and have succeeded. No matter which of the 3 Categories you fall into until you have caught an MLM at is Break Out Point you have not reached financially independence.
The Break Point of an MLM is when it start's to reach those Huge Exponential Gains. It is the point where the membership just explodes. Here is an actual example of a Break-Out MLM. This example uses a group within an MLM that I have personal knowledge of.
On Oct 1,2001 this group had less then 10 Members
On Nov 15,2001 this group had right around 100 Members
On Nov 30,2001 this group had right around 200 Members
On Jan 1,2002 this group had right around 1,000 Members
On Jan 16,2002 this group had over 10,000 Members
This Group peaked at over 120,000 members and at the time of this writing Aug..... 2005 Still has over 100,000 Members.
The actual MLM currently has over 17,000,000 members. Can you imagine the excitement the members of that group felt watching it grow by over 9,000 members in about 2 weeks. That surge of excitement was enough to propel that group to over 120,000 members a little over a year later even tho the Person at the top of that group had some family matters that kept him from guiding his team. It just broke out. Their was no stopping it.
How did this Break Out Occur. The Group leader was in constant contact helping and encouraging his group, He sent them E-mails at least once a week, He had contests and ran Ad Co-Ops, He found 5 or 6 leaders who also had breakouts. In January of 2002 4 of the top 5 members (measured by number of direct referrals) were in this group.
By Mike Makler
Referensi MLM
Minggu, 29 Juni 2008
The Break Out Point is The Key to Finding the Right MLM
The Misconception Of Multi-Level Marketing
Ever wonder why people are so turned off at the mention of Multi-Level Marketing? Is it legal? Is it a pyramid? Who benefits the most? Where does the money flow? In this article we will examine basic differences between Multi-Level Marketing and a Corporate Structure.
Let's take the corporate structure first. Almost all of us work in this type of structure everyday. The corporation or company is headed by a CEO. Below him/her are upper management people i.e. Vice President, Controller, Senior Sales Exec...etc. Below them are middle management people i.e. Department Heads, Retail Directors, Consultants and various Supervisors.
Finally we reach the Sales Representatives, Customer Service Representatives, Stockers, Cashiers, Cleaners, Drivers, etc.
So who makes the most money in this type of structure? If you were flow chart this all out, it would look like a "Pyramid" The CEO makes the most money, then a few upper management, then more middle management, then most workers. It is the person at the "top" of this "pyramid" that makes the most money, because in this type of structure, you are paid based on "where you are" in the structure. The only ways you increase your earnings are if someone in the structure gets fired, dies, or quits. As a result, everyone in the structure can move up.
So....lets take a look at a Network Marketing Structure and compare. On the surface, both structures are mirror images of each other. BOTH look like a "Pyramid" structure. Flowchart it out. An affiliate sponsors someone, they sponsor more, they sponsor more...etc. But.....who makes the money here? The guy at the top? Possibly, but most likely not. Here's why:
Even though this structure looks identical to a corporate structure pyramid, in this structure you get paid STRICTLY on what you do, not on where you are within the structure. Wouldn't it seem fair that if you do more work, you should get paid more money? This structure is simply a structure of business owners. Pay is based ONLY on what you do, not your position within the network. This is what differs Network Marketing from a typical "Corporate Structure Job".
Here, only YOU are in control of your income. With a job, someone else is in control of your income. Think about it. Which option is the most fair? If you have comments or questions, please write us at www.bizmancan.com
This article was written by E. Christopher Keenan
Finding Your WHY!
"Finding these three letters: W. H. Y. will guarantee you ultimate success in your life and in Network Marketing!"
For millions of average Americans, Network Marketing continues to be the best vehicle in building a lucrative business in a short period of time. Two to five years of continuous effort will bring AWESOME results.
Yet when we look at the statitistics, out of an estimated 200,000 Americans joining a Network Marketing company each and every month, approximately 85% of them quit within 90 days from starting their Home-Bases Business.
Why does that happen?
Is the Network Marketing Industry at fault, or is our focus aimed in the wrong direction? How do you maintain your motivation when the first few weeks or months don't bring the success you expected?
I am here to tell you that it's our focus that is at fault. Our focus must be on the following questions:
1. "Why" am I doing this business?
2. "Why" did I get started in the first place?
3. What was motivating force that compelled me from the get go?
4. What is my ultimate "success-reason" (or my "Why") for doing this?
Everyone in this industry has had some powerful motivating force that compelled them to get started. This is the force that caused them to visualize the power of their opportunity. This force, or reasons, are what is called your "Why." Your "Why" is what you must focus on daily, in order to achieve your ultimate "success-reason" (your "Why").
The following steps can help all Network Marketers get "Fired-Up" so they can find and achieve their "Why."
Commit It To Paper!
Go over your reasons in your mind. I mean, really dig deep down inside. Then, write down all the reasons "Why" you started your business.
Were you looking to spend more time with your family? Were you wanting to assist others. Did you want to become financially independent? You must be absolutely clear as to what inspired you to go into business for yourself, and then write it down.
Read It (Your "Why") Aloud Every Day!
Read it once in the morning when you wake up and once in the evening before going to sleep. This acivity will assist you in sinking your "Why" down deep into your heart and mind. You could even rewrite your "Why" every morning. This will really keep you focused, and keep your mind open for opportunities throughout the day. It is unblievable what this activity can do for your daily motivation. It will move you to action.
Share Your "Why" With Others
Sharing your "Why" with others will put your convictions into overdrive! It will drive you into taking massive action, and will super-charge others along the way.
Always remember that Network Marketing, just like any other business, has its ups and its downs. Talk to any successful marketer and they will all tell you, "Yes! That's the way it is."
So, it's an absolute necessity to continually focus on your "Why." If you do, you will continue to take super-charged massive action in building a huge Network Marketing business. That business will be the vehicle in which you travel to the ultimate achievement of your "Why."
"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!"
By Lou Everett, Sr.
EXPLODE Your Network Marketing Team Into An INCREDIBLE Recruiting Machine!
Let's face it! Most people who join a Network Marketing Company assume that their "A" number one function is to Prospect! Prospect! Prospect! - Enroll! Enroll! Enroll! So, they spend much of their time, money, and effort prospecting and enrolling, never realizing that these new people will need training, especially if they have never marketed before.
Of course, enrolling new people is SUPER important. But, I am here to tell you; there is more that you need to do, in order to succeed!
What's just as important, as Prospecting and Enrolling, is what you do with those new people, once they are enrolled and part of your team.
Think about it! What good is a whole bunch of new people that are doing absolutely nothing? That certainly wouldn't help your business any! Would it!?! But, what would happen if you worked with those people and trained them to duplicate your efforts? Whoa! You would be motivating them to cause an EXPLOSION in your organization!
Further, if you let them just sit there and do nothing, and you never communicate with them, they definitely won't make any money. What will be the result? They will drop out, and you will be forever prospecting and enrolling, instead of seeing your organization "EXPLODE into an INCREDIBLE Recruiting Machine!"
So, you must teach your people to DUPLICATE your efforts. When you do that, everyone in your group will do a little, causing a whole lot to be accomplished, throughout your organization. This benefits the whole team, and is a whole lot better than if only one person does all the work.
Just think?..If you had?..say?..10 good people and you taught them to duplicate your efforts. What would be the result? Your business would grow exponentially!?..And, what if you had 20 good people? * Think about that! * This is a very POWERFUL, POWERFUL way to build a business. The results will be *HUGE* Commissions Checks!
So, please don't enroll people and then ignore them. If you ignore them they will not stay with you. They will be gone within a couple of months. Instead, do everything in your power to ensure your team members succeed. This is the best way to build that AWESOME "Residual Income" that we all desire.
What is really AWESOME, though, is that this is a GREAT time to be alive and working our Network Marketing businesses. Why? --- Because of modern technology! Today, anyone can have their own website, their own Internet Voice Room for presentations and meetings, and the simplest form of communication on the net?..E-Mail.
Even the telephone companies, nowadays, have GREAT Flat Rate Long Distance packages which make it affordable for just about anyone to call as much long distance as they wish.
So, take advantage of all the fine tools that we have. Don't ignore your team members. Communicate with them! Work with them! Train them! Encourage them! If you do, you will "EXPLODE Your Network Marketing Team Into An INCREDIBLE Recruiting Machine!"
"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)
By Lou Everett, Sr.
Dream Stealers
"Honey, I tried to tell you this wouldn't work."
"Why did you get involved in this, anyway?"
Odds are someone close (spouse, parent or sibling) has spoken those very words to you. You may love your family to death, but they are the very people, more than all others, who would steal your dreams.
Strange, don't you think, that the ones who love us the most are often the ones who would keep us from reaching the stars?
Our culture teaches conformity rather than individualism. We may hear words about individualism, but those words many times pay lip service to an ideal of what could be rather than what is. In truth, our culture demands that we live our lives in conformity like those around us.
However, we shouldn't think that dream stealers are out to steal dreams, they are not. Dream stealers only have our best interest at heart. The problem for them is that somewhere long ago, someone stole their dream. So now our dream stealers are living in conformity with those who stole their dream. Once stolen, it is only natural for dream stealers to want to save us from the heartaches they experienced as dreamers.
Strange, messed up world, isn't it?
I am writing these words to give you hope, and to encourage you.
Do not allow ANYONE to steal your dream. All the good that improves quality of life is made possible by dreamers. These are people who withstood an onslaught of nay Sayers who went on to achieve their dreams and more.
One example:
Think for a moment how one man, Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart, has changed our lives. Sam made variety, convenience and competitive pricing an everyday occurrence all across the land. He eventually forced vendors to do business on his terms, and literally changed how American's shop. How do you suppose that happened? It all started as a dream in one man's head that turned into a passion.
Many years ago, I happened to meet and speak privately with Sam. Though one of the wealthiest people in the world at the time, he struck me as an ordinary person no different than you or I. In fact, unless you knew him you would never know who he was. For Sam frequently dressed himself in a pair of overalls, wide brim hat and drove around town in an old pick-up truck.
Sam faced many obstacles and nay Sayers all during his Wal-Mart days. It would have been so easy for him to quit, to live in conformity. But Sam sought out people of like mind and lived off their enthusiasm for what he believed could be. The rest is history.
The next time you drive through your town, notice all the small business shops, and even those big chain outlets. The people who own them are the real heroes that make differences in peoples lives. They are the risk takers that conformers secretly admire.
To achieve your dream know this. You will suffer failures and losses getting there. The secret of achievers is that they never accept life as it is, only as it could be. So to a large degree, success in life is measured by the number of times we get back up after falling.
Stay away from dream stealers:
Never allow someone making $30,000 a year tell you why you cannot make $100,000 a year. If they happen to be a family member, love them but do not allow them to steal your thunder.
Seek out achievers and dreamers:
Spend your time with people who will lift you up, not pull you down. Seek out achievers who are willing to coach and mentor you. Do not try to re-invent the wheel, but duplicate the actions of achievers. Read books that will increase your knowledge and empower you. And remember the following...
Life goes on, with or without you. No matter how badly things may appear, the sun comes up and sets without fail. Said differently, the universe is here to serve you when you're ready for it to do so.
Babe Ruth:
You've heard that Babe Ruth held all kinds of records in baseball: The home-run record was his for almost a generation. What you don't often hear is that Babe Ruth also held the strike-out record.
The "Babe" struck out at bat more times than he homered, but hey, I like that. Here's a guy who never let his failures stop him from becoming a champion.
Unlike Babe Ruth, some of us are so often paralyzed by the possibility of failure that we never even make the attempt. And that is perhaps the biggest failure of all, not that we try and fail, but that we never try at all.
Achievers will tell you that their achievements are not what matters, but rather it was the trip there that makes their life so fulfilling.
Imagine that!
So live your life the way you want it to be, not the way it is. When you learn to use failure as a tool to build and grow, life takes on a whole new perspective. Take it from someone who knows: Never, ever allow anyone to steal your dream!
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe can be achieved." (Napoleon Hill)
Are You A Network Marketing Professional? Or, Are You An Amateur?
Do you look like a professional Network Marketer? Do You Talk like a professional Network Marketer? Do you write like a professional Network Marketer?
Do your marketing results show you to be a Network Marketing professional? And, most importantly, does your team see you as a professional? Or, are you viewed by them as an amateur?
You know, when I went to school they never taught us about professionalism. And, from what I hear, it is no different today.
As a result, society has gone to lower standards, and a mediocre life style is accepted. That's why so many people perform like amateurs and maintain a "just getting by" way of life.
So, which are you? "Are You A Network Marketing Professional, Or?.. Are You An Amateur?"
Below are 12 points to assist you in answering that very important question.
> A professional Network Marketer learns everything there is to learn about Network Marketing.
An amateur will spend time going around this, at every opportunity.
> A professional Network Marketer is able to discern the needs and wants of his/her team.
An amateur just assumes what his/her team needs and wants.
> A professional Network Marketer looks like a professional, talks like a professional, and dresses like a professional.
An amateur is lackadaisical in these areas.
>A professional Network Marketer is "Laser-Focused" and has a clear understanding of his/her "Why."
An amateur is not "Laser-Focused," is distracted, and is not clear on his/her direction.
> A professional Network Marketer learns from mistakes and uses them as stepping stones to a higher level of success.
An amateur will ignore or try and hide his/her mistakes.
> A professional Network Marketer will tackle things that may be difficult - things he/she really don't like to do.
An amateur will expend a lot of energy just to avoid these things.
> A professional Network Marketer will finish what he starts.
An amateur will just let things pile up, never really finishing anything.
> A professional Network Marketer is always positive and optimistic.
An amateur allows negativity to maintain prominence in his/her life.
> A professional Network Marketer is always ready to assist when problems arise.
An amateur will avoid others who have problems.
> A professional Network Marketer is always cheerful and enthusiastic.
An amateur is usually full of fear and insecurities.
> A professional Network Marketer never gives up.
An amateur gives up at the first sign of a struggle or a little adversity.
> A professional always over delivers.
An amateur does only what is necessary to survive.
So, which one are you...A Network Marketing 'Professional,' Or, A Network Marketing 'Amateur?'
"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)
By Lou Everett, Sr.
Soldiers of Prosperity
Unified Mastermind
Forget big brother. He no longer cares.
Once upon a time, you spent $25,000 to $100,000 and went to college to learn and to be trained on how to be employed. Then you signed on the dotted line, slung the chain with your ID card pinched to it around your neck, your new employer trained you, nurtured you, paid for your car and your babies being born and they then showed you a ladder leaning up against the wall and cried, "go climb!"
As long as you didn't drop the ball and make too many mistakes, you were safe and you could retire in glory. You didn't have to worry about your career and the notion of having numerous transitional career changes, back then---would have sounded like a bad joke.
Remembering IBM
Back in the day, the company would take care of you, justice and hard work would prevail and loyalty----going both ways---were the highest of corporate values.
That was yesterday. No, erase that. That was a generation ago!
In today's business climate all we have--- is each other.
Literally. It's us buzz mates against big business. Now the network rules (yours) and intangibles like your network, your reputation and how well you can serve others, within your own network, is the commodity of the new economy and the Soldiers of Prosperity who champion this crusade of capitalists to other fringe dwellers.
It's about being unified, "as one," not separatists, working alone, next to each other, in office cubicles, for the greater good of the boss.
Did the business climate change? Huh buddy, you bet it did.
In today's world of intense competition, restructuring, and corporate takeovers, lets not even go into the splats and "tanks" so many of the behemoths are experiencing.
Ever hear of World/Com or Toys-R-Us? What happened?
The key today is THE NETWORK! Not the corporation.
It Used To Be About Who You Knew Today, It's More About Who Did You Help
The key today and the new commodity is everyone's own individual network, a network of capital, a network of trust and integrity and a network of cohesive profit margins---working for the good of all, equally, for the strong, who demand to be THE FOOD CHAIN instead of the paid pencil pusher.
You are either the hunter or the hunted. People who provide the most food always eat the best, right? But it's a decision. Therefore the mandate leads towards unification, not DIFFERENT "levels' of potential income.
---Side Bar--- Did you ever notice on in the world of "Big Blue" everyone is paid in relation to what their LEVEL (think pyramid) pays?
CEO: $2.1 Million
President: $900,000
COO: $610,000
Chief Executive: $350,000
Chief of Sales: $178,000
Top Salesman: $125,000
His Secretary: $34,000
Not good. Not bad. But if given a choice, would you want to control your income or have it controlled by a system that ONLY dishes out an income that the prescribed "level" pays?
Here in America, some of is prefer to BE THE FOOD CHAIN instead of working for the those that control the food chain.
It's as I said, being the Hunter or the Hunted. U-Pick.
So many of us in the earlier days cried, "but I need the benefits!"
Here's an idea. Why don't you create income streams so deep that you can pay your OWN families benefits with [just] the interest from one of your savings accounts!
Or, with the "side" two or three thousand a month you earn from say, income stream # 23!
It's a choice. Just a choice.
Today's network is a resource of people, ideas, profit streams and a buzz about soldiering each other to prosperity. One that simply will not go away, Unlike any other time ever-----in history, more people have decided to work------as one---to manifest the greater good of themselves, of each other and their personal rights, as Americans to get filthy stinking rich.
In fact, if you are not soldering your own mastermind and serving a network around you and pushing other people ahead of you, you better start. Because that is today's link to the new economy.
People helping people.
Why bother even thinking that the company can take care of you if the company isn't even sure if it can take care if itself?
So where is Big Brother these days? He's looking out for #1 and pulling his hair out because of the constant and never ending list of new competitors that keep hurling spit balls at him. And not from across the street either. Now the competition is "global" for Pete sake!
(read that last paragraph again if you can)
What is making people successful today is sharing resources and networks with each other and "love is the killer app" (incredible book by Tim Sanders)! Just look at the networking books that have been become best sellers by Robert Kiosaki
Personal networks have become "bank" and that is the new economy.
As marketing fans---think Jay Abraham on crack!---we have read the marketing books, learned the psychological triggers and now we all know what impulses people to buy, we went to the motivation seminars and we even own the t-shirt to prove it!
However, trying harder, chanting louder, believing in yourself more and thinking positively, while useful, if you are new, are no longer your short stack of things to get ahead with anymore.
As a matter of fact, it's not even about you anymore. It's about what you can do for others and how well you can attract and mange your own network of people. The guy who said (his name is Dale Calvert), "build other people and the people will build your business" was right. So right!
Some call it Affiliate Networking. That's what this is and that's the buzz word and the bizz stream of the people now in the know and the people of today who are taking back what the CEO's and the office cube patrol monkeys took from us. Our security. Our pride and the fun of being on the hunt to get ahead.
So who are we?
Soldiers of prosperity.
We are "as one" and unified.
That's who we are
Sound strange? Maybe new? Forget it. It's an old formula that corporate types told you didn't work.
The little guy thinks that success is something that he has to look for inside of himself. Not true. Success is all around each of us and walking by us all of the time. The key then, as a Master-Mind, is to be open to it and the sub-set to that clearly, is to be open to everyone, not to some, but to everyone around you.
Norman Vincent Peale started the crusade of "me" and if you believe the people of this world who sold you on positive thinking and that believing in yourself is the key to caviar wishes and lottery winning dreams, I'd debate that.
Start Here:
BELIEVE in me.
Yes self-image is key. But where does self-image come from?
It starts with a vision FIRST of other people.
Applaud those around you.
Build up those around you.
Give it away. For?.
What you give away you get to keep.
That is a Soldier of Prosperity
Do you work where you are tolerated?
The rich work where they are CELEBRATED.
Small people can't BUILD other people.
Be a BUILDER of others.
Here is new information. It's hard to get someone who is near bankruptcy to start chanting, "I can do it. I can do it."
It's hard to take the employee MIND and teach them over night to start getting pumped up about their potential to start earning $25,000 per month. That's not something we can easily.
So start here and teach people this.
Step 1: BELIEVE in other people FIRST
Step 2: Start to DO and SEE things as they see them.
Step 3: Little by little, your own belief, in yourself, will start to grow.
But most people never even thought of having a mentor or a coach. Except for Millionaires like Michael Jordan and Tom Cruise. They have coaches, stylists, fitness trainers and assistants. Helpers.
Do you have a coach? Do you have a life-style coach? Why not.
Where I started and how I climbed from small to bigger was by believing first in other people. Back then, when I was scraping to pay bills and all of that "I used to be poor and now I am rich" rhetoric, but back then, even when I thought of myself as a squished little jobber, I drew GREAT vision and tremendous HOPE by running next to other people who were undeniably ringing the bell and making a killing by building up other people and helping other people create and build their own personal affiliate networks.
Terrible Odds If you focus on yourself you are the only game in town. Terrible odds by anyone's measure However, if you focus on other great people you just can't help but advance your own thermostat, raise your own expectations of possibility, balloon your own earning potential, build a richer network of fellow Soldiers--you can't help but grow large.
My first two steps out of the gate where (a) in my gut, believing in everyone around me even more than I believed in little ole me (b) believing in our free enterprise system with so much zeal that short of success simply wasn't an option to me.
THE MASTER-MIND: Your Greatest Resource!
If you are new and the idea of masterminding, (people sharing business resources collectively as a network) and of all of a sudden having hundreds of new friends and cool new biz-mates at your simplest of whims, if that notion seems foreign to you right now, only because you are new, guess what and good news, we have been here and doing this, really, since the middle fifties.
Remember Glenn W. Turners network, "DARE TO BE GREAT!"
What we do and what we will explore with you is not anything new. The difference though, is now networking has become a national obsession for some and even a priority for many, whereas years ago, this form of networking, as a business, was only a by product of a larger business model.
Today? The network IS the business!
The old adage, "Time is money" is way old century and very Machiavellian (urrrr! ruff-ruff!) thinking.
The Network is The Model
The Master-Mind is Where The Money Begins
The "now think" is this, the network is revenue. Not [just] money. Revenue. Equity. Residual income.
Stuff big brother always knew about but kept away from the cogs in the wheel. The employees worked for a wage while the big hairs and the people who dined in the corporate cafeteria worked for equity and residual slam dunks.
In the last century we worked to make money. Now here in the new economy of people, we work for a loving instead.
Now "loverage" rules (see "Conversations with Millionaires" by Michael Litman and Jason Oman!) and the little guys aren't so small anymore!
Our collective ability to SHARE THIS ALTERNATIVE THINKING with others and buying power creams any other market share that anyone wants to waste time penciling on paper and apparently, we are the new world order.
Did Bill Gates just buy-up Lotus (March 2005)? You bet. That's because POWER begets power. That's because the more tools Microsoft can offer people the larger their monopoly is.
POWER. Shared power. That's what we do and that's what we sell at Unified Master-Mind. We share our rolodexes and we share various income streams. We share our coaching and we chair the power.
No upline. No downline. No managers. It's unified. As one.
In the streets and outside of our own network here at Master-Mind you can beat each up and claw your way up through various competitors who you destroy.
Competition and democracy is a good thing. So play hard and pray even harder. Outside. Under the red, white and blue.
Brother In Freedom
Here though, amongst your brothers and sisters of Freedom, amongst each other here, within our master-mind, it's bringing up each other. There is not competition; call it a "safe house" if you will.
Oh sure, the hipsters and the kids with baggy jeans may be what television (and McDonalds) prays to, but it is we boomers who cripple those CD burners in size and it is we who have the most money to purchase.
It is we who rock and never forget that.
Plus the BIG BRANDS (yawn) are begging for our trade and what you will dig up in chapter one will be worth two Martini's-not one.
Integrity and Being Likable are Intangibles The difference between working for money and building a network is that when you work on a level that is higher than simply money, your equity becomes residual.
Which points back to each of our own individual intangibles, i.e., your network, your reputation and your ability to serve the network and for the good of all within the Master-Mind
What We Do
As I said, our lineage dates back to the middle fifties and all that is old is new again. What UNIFIED MASTER-MIND is, more than anything else, is a celebration of business in and of the way it used to be and never should have stopped.
We are in the people business and the product that we sell is business consulting and business ideas that only work when you add other people and BUILD other people as hard as you build yourself.
That is why we call this UNIFIED MASTER-MIND.
Our Mantra
Use money and love people. Not vice versa. This isn't about "them" against us. Although to know thy enemy is good business so say's Sun Zui in the classic, "The Art of War."
Instead, this is about us and how there is far greater security, for all of us, if we join together instead of independently being scattered under the umbrella of Big Brother.
I salute you and I salute your own network,
Welcome to Unified Master-Mind (Our Industry)
By Joe Schroeder & Eric Gordon
MLM Money Making Opportunities
There are still real money making opportunities mlm style available that you might want to take advantage of. Even though many people these days consider any MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) business opportunity to be bogus. You just need to know what to watch out for when looking in this particular arena.
So, before you go trolling for mlm money making opportunities, you should be aware that many a mlm company is fake. Stay away from any mlm company that doesn't have a contact person, a valid land address, an email address, and a phone number where you can get assistance and support on their particular money making opportunities mlm. You also want to be sure any mlm company you deal with offers a money-back guarantee for a risk-free trial.
To find mlm business plans that will help you make a decision and also save you time and give you the opportunity to plan and increase your chances of success. Click Here! money making opportunities mlm plans. Also other business plans of over 1400 different types of businesses. Not all of them are home based or mlm businesses. But you can look over the large variety of business plans offered. If nothing else, they may give you some fresh ideas for a business of your own.
Also, watch for sales pitches telling you that you can get rich doing nothing and do it overnight to boot on money making opportunities mlm. These are the truest signs of a scam. Don't waste your time, or, worse, your money on them.
A true mlm business opportunity will have a mlm consultant to help you learn the ropes of establishing a mlm home based business. Most mlm business opportunities offer you products that aren't easily available or that are drastically discounted that you can sell from your home or online.
Make sure any products that you sign up to sell are legitimately hard to get or fill a "niche" that isn't already overflowing with products in your area. Otherwise, you're going to have a hard time selling the products as part of your money making opportunities mlm. Without a need, there's no reason to buy.
Another type of mlm home based business involves mlm network marketing over the Internet. A company sets up a website for you and then provides mlm network marketing training and tools designed to help you drive traffic to your site. And this is where most people miss the boat when it comes to mlm business and mlm marketing.
Just because you have a website does not mean you will sell products. Aggressive marketing is needed. If the mlm company you're considering doesn't provide training and marketing tools for their money making opportunities mlm, forget them. They're a complete waste of time unless you're an Internet marketing genius.
Also, automatically dismiss any mlm company that tells you you'll get rich right away. This may be true for some people, but they're usually highly knowledgeable about marketing, especially marketing on the Internet, to begin with. It takes time to establish and grow an mlm business. And, again, without the support of an mlm consultant, training, and the proper marketing tools, you likely won't make any money at all.
So, should you still pursue money making opportunities mlm style? If you're willing to put effort into one, the answer is yes. You can make money with an mlm business. You just have to go into it with your eyes open. And you have to stay away from high-pressure sales and marketing people who know how to push your buttons.
Everyone would like to get rich overnight. Everyone would like to do nothing and still make thousands and thousands of dollars each month. And if it were possible to do these things, everyone would be doing them. It just isn't going to happen, though.
Not without, yes, support, training, and marketing tools-and a lot of time. But if you're willing to put effort into a mlm business, believe in the products you're selling, and have patience, you can make money.
Just don't expect it make it today, or even this week. Being realistic will save you a great deal of frustration and help you stay focused on doing the work necessary to build your mlm business.
Before you choose any mlm company for your home based business, however, do thorough research on it. Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if the mlm company has had any complaints lodged against it.
Go online and find sites that rate mlm business opportunities and that have a mlm review or two available for you to read. Better yet, find sites that report mlm scams. This protects you from wasting your time and money. After all, you want to make money, not waste it!
By Randy Wilson
Let Them See It To Sell It
You know that problem of having a fantastic offer that you tell people about, but they don't get it, or don't believe it, and therefore don't buy it? Well know there maybe is a way of improving your chances.
You see the problem is, your prospective customers or business partners can't see it, your product, your service, or you! The good news is that you can now let them see you and your offer through Video Email, and video on demand.
Research shows that an average person will remember -
10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 50% of what they see and hear together 80% of what they see, hear and do.
It is expected that Video Email will replace text email over the next few years. It would have perhaps happened sooner if it were not for the high cost and large file sizes involved, but that has all changed now. You can open a video email account for just $9.99 per month, making it accessible to just about everyone, and new "streaming" technology removes the problem of large files.
Can you imagine the impact of this on ebay, for contacting your down line, for demonstrating software or products to potential customers. I could go on but to see some real examples see the link at the bottom of the article.
With the huge growth in customers that is already happening Video Email is also becoming the hottest business opportunity around. At present the US alone spends around $2 billion on streaming information, and this is set to rise to £12 billion in just a few short years. As one new customer starts sending out video emails, another soon follows as people open accounts to reply to each other.
The next few years are going to be very interesting indeed!
Article by Paul Turner
Reminisces Of An Aspiring Internet Marketer
I've spent a lot of time and money on trying to promote various programs on the internet.
Over 18 months I spent close to $10,000 US Dollars on e-books, internet marketing courses, training materials, web hosting, domain forwarding, autoresponders, AD trackers, advertising costs, traffic exchanges, exit exchanges, search engines, pay-per-click programs, ezines, subscription fees, randomizers and doublers !!
I also lost money when a few programs that I was involved with went under, including a payment processing company called EzPayWay which disappeared owing me over $1400 in commissions.
All the money that I did make online was ploughed back into yet more programs and yet more opportunities. It was a vicious circle and I ended up getting deeper and deeper into debt. I was just fortunate that I had a good JOB to fall back on.
At the end of those 18 months I took a break from everything to do with online businesses. I dropped my internet marketing 'escapades' and focused on other areas in my life that I had been neglecting, like my health and my relationships with my wife and other members of my family.
After 6 months of mental and physical recuperation getting myself back on track, I decided to give it one last try ...
I got in touch with several of my key contacts and asked them what they were up to, what programs they were promoting and what they were making money with on the 'Net.
However, when I resumed my internet activities I changed a number of things in my approach :
#1. Maintain FOCUS
You know, there's always going to be a newer program, a better compensation plan, a more professional website. I was no longer going to run around promoting every single opportunity that came my way.
I was going to pick a handful of the best opportunities available and only promote established companies that were highly recommended and highly profitable.
#2. Promote businesses in line with PERSONAL INTERESTS
My interests include making money, internet marketing and self-development.
I decided that I was only going to promote products that I have a good understanding of, that I'm quite knowledgeable about, and which I have no qualms in recommending to others.
That is absolutely vital no matter what you're selling online or offline
If you're not passionate about the products you're marketing how can you be an effective salesman and convince others of the benefits of your products?
The 'Net is like a large powerful and never-ending ocean. My previous efforts had been merely little pebbles tossed into deep waters. They had no effect what-so-ever in the great scheme of things.
To get results on the 'Net your website needs a great amount of exposure amongst the Millions of other websites and programs.
There are several ways of driving lots of TRAFFIC to your websites such as:
* Traffic Exchanges * Getting listed in Search Engines * Pay-Per-Click Advertising * Banner Exchanges * Emailing OPT-IN lists * Marketing to Purchased Leads * Advertising in Ezines
You'll need to learn about all of these different ways of generating traffic to your website. Personally, I advertise my website using all of the methods above.
Instead of trying to build up downlines in free marketing programs, I decided to PAY for TRAFFIC to promote my business opportunities.
And this brings me nicely on to my next point...
#4. Diligent TRACKING of advertising
Previously I was literally throwing money down the drain by NOT carefully tracking the different types of advertising I was spending my money on.
When I did get sign-ups to programs or sales in affiliate programs I was none the wiser as to where these sales came from and unable to clearly identify which mode of advertising was attributable for the sales.
I was like a sniper firing away in all directions without a scope to home in on my targets !!
#5. Lastly, I added the HUMAN ELEMENT to my business
A lot of business might be conducted on the internet, but the internet is merely a tool. The buying and selling of products, especially in network marketing, involves the personal recommendation of services from one party to the next.
This personal element had been missing from my business all along.
I had been emailing thousands of FFA leads per day (Big Dogs style), sending out emails to loads of Safelists, sending emails to thousands of MLM Leads using autoresponders, but NOT ONCE over the course of 18 months did I actually SPEAK to anyone.
Sure, I made a few sales but they were far and few between. I also came close to trouble a few times as a result of a SPAM complaint (I'll save that story for another time but I can tell you that it was the last time I used FFA leads!).
These days, I call up my prospects and try to establish a rapport with them. I find out what they want out of life, what their interests are and if I can help them. I tell them about my experiences, what I've learnt trying to market various products online, how I'm a better internet marketer now than ever before by doing what I'm telling you now.
And you know what??
I enjoy waking up in the mornings, I make new friends everyday, I call up interested prospects, I find out what they want, I help them get what they want, and now I get PAID more frequently!
The TELEPHONE is as much a tool for Internet Marketers than the 'Net itself.
So there you have it...
A simple internet marketing strategy that has served me well on my return to Cyberspace.
I hope that you find a few things here to help you improve your internet marketing endeavours and ultimately, take you that one step closer to achieving online success.
Written by Tony Bhachu
Network Marketing Training - The MLM Success Secrets to a BLAZING One on One Presentation
The One on One MLM Presentation is key to Success in Network Marketing. How do you do a HOT One on One Presentation in Network Marketing that is riveting and SCORCHING? If you learn how to, your sales will double and recruiting explode. And it is very simple to do if you know how.
How do you do it?
Simple. Step by Step, and walking the prospect though a Success path that educates them on your program. Not a lot of steps either. Maybe 4 or 5, and thats all. Keep it simple.
Then, vow to do a weekly appointment for an MLM presentation, week after week after week. That alone will ignite your business.
In building your dream or mlm business, your goal is to get at LEAST one retail appointment weekly, and share the products with a friend. They should have listened to a product tape/cd, or watched a company DVD, or even listened to a recruiting CD. If your prospect has not listened to them, then let them watch your company DVD while you're together (if your compnay has one) and leave a tape/CD with them.
Say words that reflect these:
The products work! It's exciting! (Energy & Enthusiasm)
What if it DOES work for YOU? (Hope)
Try it now! (Create Sense of Urgency).
Who else can you think of? (Referrals)
There are Power Phrases and Focuses which will maximize your results and make you more money in the long run. Use them, and make a habit of saying them. Get with your sponsor to learn these Power Phrases and learn exactly how the company wants you to talk about the products and business.
Ok? you have decided how many customers you need this month. Now, you're in their house, and looking at them. What tools do you need with you, and what do you say?
On a one on one retail appointment, you need:
1) Product catalogue and brochures
2) Products/Samples
3) DVD and/or Product Tape CD to leave with them
MLM Success Suggestion:
Maintain control and lead the appointment at all times. You are guiding them down a path. Make them feel comfortable, and let them know you are glad you are there. Be brief and simplistic as your time is valuable, and they need to see that they could easily fit sharing these products into their own lives. You want them to think, "I can do that!"
The Retail Appointment is basically divided into 5 parts:
1) Sharing the Company Information
2) Telling Your Product Story
3) Showing the Products and talking benefits to the prospect
4) Compensation
5) What's next?
When you are in your friends' and family's home, you need to break the ice, "warm them up" first, and talk about them, their family, and what is going on in their life. Ask questions about them. You may find them telling you of concerns in their life where your network marketing company might just be the solution. Listen closely and get them talking and opening up! This sets the stage to talk to them about your company.
The Secret of Network Marketing Amplification.
Use what we call in our Communication seminars "Amplifiers." These are phrases and questions that help open up and amplify what the prospect is saying:
1) "Tell me a little bit about yourself, your family."
2) "Tell me what's new in your life."
3) "That's interesting, tell me more."
4) "Uh huh?really?"
5) "How does that make you feel?"
6) "I appreciate you sharing that with me."
7) "Where did you go on vacation this year? Why There?"
8) " What would you do with an extra 1000.00 a month?"
Once you've talked about them for a bit, and bonded and connected to the mlm prospect, move it along to:
1) Sharing the Company.
"Let me tell you why I am here. I have run across an amazing company, and I simply wanted to share with you what it has done to my life and future. I figure you may know someone who could benefit from these amazing products like I have, and who could use an extra 1000.00 a month. Let me share a little about the company."
Then cover 3-4 bullets about the company, like location, owners, vision, and financial mangement.
2) Telling your product story.
"Let me explain what impact that these products have had on me and my family. It been amazing?"
And then tell them your Personal Product Story. Keep it brief, no more than 1 minute.
3) Showing the products and talking benefits.
Here is where you actually show the products or brochure of what you are marketing. Do not over do it, Keep it simple and brief. Say:
"Let me share with you the products quickly and tell you about their amazing benefits."
Show a company DVD, or get out the product catalogue/brochure and briefly go over the products you are talking about, or simply hand them the products,(or brochure) let them 'take ownership", and you tell the benefits of each as they are looking at them. Show them the product testimonies if you have them.
"Can you see how someone could truly enhance their life with products like these?"
4) Compensation.
"There is also a way that you can get your products for free, or even earn a substantial part time income with this company. How would you like to get 4 paychecks at your job every month verses just one? We have 4 ways we get paid."
Then cover the 4 ways you make money in your mlm compensation plan.:
There are 4 ways that most compensation plans make money: Retail Profit, Building a Team, Leadership Bonuses, and Rewards, like cars and trips. Do not get too detailed, but here is a secret:
SHOW THEM How they can make money with your compensation plan, and then ask them what they are going to do with it!
Go over how you make a retail profit, how the overrides on your own team works, how the Leadership bonuses and % increases work, and how the rewards work. Keep it simple, and get them to think- "I can do this!"
The MLM Decision.
5) "What's Next?"
You need to move them along, and get a sense or feeling of where they are as far as what you have said. Ask:
"Is this making sense to you?"
"What did you like best about what you've heard so far?"
"Can you see yourself becoming successful in something like this?"
"Based on what you have heard, do you see yourself more as a customer or a distributor?"
Then move them to either putting an order together, or putting them in the next step of the process that your company teaches you to do.
With this simple step by step MLM Presentation Process, you can double the sales volume overnight, with this MLM One on One Presentation in Network Marketing.
By Doug Firebaugh
What if You Could Design the Best MLM Pay Plan
Here is the Challenge. You need to design an MLM Pay that will appeal to the Builders (Heavy Hitters) as well as the average person. Would you use a Unilevel, a Binary, a Forced Matrix or perhaps a Hybrid of all the above.
Here is a strong candidate for the Best MLM Pay Plan Ever Built. It combines a Unilevel (To appeal to the Builder). A 2x20 Forced Matrix with the Possibility of Infinity Bonuses (to Appeal to the average Joe), Fast Start Bonuses and Infinity Bonuses on the entire organization.
Now let's examine each part in a little more detail
The Forced Matrix
A 2x20 Forced Matrix is really the best of a Binary combined with the Best of a Forced Matrix. Unlike a Binary you earn money on both legs each and every month. Since a full 2x20 Matrix would have over 2 Million People for 99% of your membership it might as well be an Infinite deep Pay plan.
The Unilevel
You could pay a Sponsor bonus each and every month to Directly to the sponsor or you could create an Infinite wide 3 Deep Unilevel matrix where you pay 1/3 of the sponsor bonus on each level. So Instead of paying $3 to the sponsor (If You sponsor 10 People you earn $30 Monthly), you pay $1 on each level for 3 Levels (So if you Sponsor 10 who sponsor 10 each who sponsor 10 each (You Earn 1,110 a Month).
Fast Start Bonus
You would of course pay a Fast Start Bonus.
Infinity Bonus
Use the Breakage generated by the Forced Matrix and Unilevel to pay an Infinity Bonus based on Production. This would allow team members to earn on the Entire Organization not just on their own Team.
More Fun Extra's
Now Imagine if you could have
A Mortgage Bonus
A Vacation Bonus
A Car Bonus
Advertising Co-Op Bonus Pool
Special Awards Bonus Pool
A $200,000 Down Payment Bonus toward your Dream House Bonus Now If you could only find a program with the above pay structure at an Affordable with a product everyone Wants,
By Mike Makler
MLM Professional as a Freedom Fighter
"I am a freedom fighter. All of us in the MLM industry are freedom fighters." Profound words from Professor Vasupal, an acknowledged MLM leader, who in my view is unarguably the most successful Network Marketing Leader and a top earner in these parts of the world.
While driving back home I kept thinking of these words as they had a magical impact on me. I never imagined an MLM or Network Marketing professional could be called a freedom fighter. But when you really look at the profile of an MLM person, the description of a freedom fighter fits him like no other description can.
We all are fighting one of the major tyrannies in the world. The tyranny of poverty. is the primary target of any network marketer. Not only for himself but for hundreds of others who are part of the team of any independent networker because in this system of enterprise, your success is intricately linked to success of your team and down-line members.
All network marketers are also establishing one of the best and most democratic free enterprise system in the world. This is the only system in the world where, the opportunity is equal for every one irrespective of nationality, education, skills, religion, and gender. A free enterprise system where there are no barriers to entry except that you must be an adult.
Here too is a global community which is free from any kind of political, ethnic, geographic, gender or cultural bias and truly integrated citizens of the world. The only requirement to be part of this amazing democratic enterprise system is honesty, persistence, vision, and a burning desire to help everyone succeed.
Can there be a better world. Could there be a higher cause than to fight for the economic freedom of the entire world? There is no bigger liberation than economic liberation which will definitely impact and create a more peaceful world.
MLM Success Training - The Secrets to Deciding Who You Will Become in MLM
There are many factors that impact Success in life. And that is true for MLM and Network marketing as well. There are also factors with any good training program, and these ultimately will determine the success of your teaching.
There are three "Maximum Factors" to learning that MUST be a part of any MLM teaching process. If these factors are not met, then the training is less than what it should be.
You must have:
1) Education.
This will come from the mlm company Training Manual the company has made available to you . There are other trainings available as well, which all will help educate you. The Education Factor PROVIDES you the KNOWLEDGE.
2) Motivation.
This must come from the Leadership and teaching style, additional self-development teachings, as well as encouragement during the challenges. You must build you while you build your business. This factor ENERGIZES the KNOWLEDGE!
3) Activation.
This is where the teaching MUST get the new person DOING, not just Learning. You must ACTIVATE the new distributor the first 7 days to get into the game, and start the sharing process the first week. It is an industry fact that the distributors that experienced some form of success their first week, had a pattern of more success their first year, then those who did not. This factor ACTIVATES the KNOWLEDGE!
And the goal of PassionFire is to Maximize your Company Training Manual, the tools they use, your Leadership, and your MLM Success!
And yes, there is a whole lifetime ahead of you, but we must focus on getting you started the right way. There will be more articles coming! This process is simply to help take the Training Manual your company has, and Empower what you do with it, and GET YOU INTO IMMEDIATE ACTION & RESULTS!
The Road to Becoming in Network Marketing.
Let's move forward, and talk about whom you are planning on becoming in your MLM and Network Marketing business.
Before you ever call anyone, or even start your learning, you need to be honest with yourself about your Role, and what you are going to be doing as you build your dream mlm business.
Many people never define who they are in this business, and what they are going to do. And because of that, never have clearly defined tasks or focus in building their dreams. This will create a "fog" or lack of clarity in which direction you are going to be heading and what you will be doing with the hours you have to work your business.
In your wonderful Network Marketing company, you need to decide which one of these roles you are planning on taking on and which is most comfortable for you at this time. Understand, you will grow tremendously in this business and company, but there always needs to be a starting point.
Which one best describes you now?
1) Retailer of the Products.
This is simply the lifeblood of our company, and is where you share the products with your friends and family, and build a business with lots of customers over time. The retail profits and commissions you earn can become a significant income.
2) Retailer of the Products who wants to grow into a Business Builder
Many friends that you share these products with will know someone, or even be interested themselves in working with you in building their own business and dreams. Never be pushy, but MAGNETIC, with excitement, energy, and passion as you develop a team who decides to duplicate what you're doing. Serious part-time supplemental income can develop here.
3) Serious (Career) Business Builder
Serious Business Builders are the potential Super Stars of your business and company. And they are the leaders of your company. Their focus is amazing, and work ethic is strong.
And many Serious Business Builders grew into this Role, by starting as retailers of the products only. The Path to Success can be traveled many ways, but the key is to KEEP TRAVELLING THE PATH! Career incomes are made at this level.
Which one do you see yourself as now? There is NO WRONG ANSWER! You need to do what excites you most, and then simply start.
That's it. Just START.
What excites you the most, and "feels right", will be what you do initially the best. As you grow, you may change your focus and direction in MLM.
Once you define what you plan on becoming, and what role you will be stepping into, you do not have to stay there. You may start off as simply a retailer and share the products, and eventually grow into the company's number one earner. All things are possible!
Decide what you are going to do, and then step into that role, and master it. You will be shocked at how easy it really is to create success in your life once you decide to.
Especially Success in MLM and Network Marketing.
By Doug Firebaugh
7 Different MLM Compensation Types Explained
As the Number of Network Marketing Programs proliferate the Number of Network Marketing Payment Types increase as well. This Article will explore 7 types of Payments that a Network Marketer can receive. Many Plans Employ Hybrids where they combine 2 or more of these Payment types into their Pay Plans.
1 - Uni-Level MATRIX PLANS
This is often referred to by the un-informed as the Dreaded "Pyramid". A Unilevel Matrix allows you to have Unlimited Width and Limited Depth. Simply Point let's say that you are personally responsible for signing up 10 team members. You will earn a commission on all sales generated by your 10 Team Members. (You could in fact sign up 100 or 1,000 or even 1,000,000 or more people on your first level). Now lets Say each of your 10 Team members Sign up 10. Since 10x10 is 100 You will now have 100 People on your 2nd Level. You would also earn commissions on all Sales Generated by your 2nd level. A Typical Uni-Level will pay down 5 or More Levels. If each person were to continue to get 10 this would leave 1,000 people on your 3rd Level, 10,000 People on level 4 and 100,000 People on level 5. A very promising but highly unlikely scenario.
A Forced Matrix is Similar to a Unilevel Matrix but it limits the amount of people each person can have in their first Level. A Very Popular Kind of forced Matrix is a 3x9 Forced Matrix.
With a 3x9 Forced Matrix The Most People you can have on Level 1 is 3. Now the most people each of those 3 can have on there level 1 is 3 which leaves you 9 people on your 2nd Level, A 3x9 Matrix By the Levels
19,683 Total - 29,523
One Advantage of a Forced Matrix is Spillover. Spillover occurs when you sponsor more people then can fit on your first level. So if we use the Unilevel Example above and Assume Everyone Sponsors 10 You Would not only completely fill your 3x9 Matrix but you would actually have enough people left over to fill a 10th level of 59,049 and partially fill an 11th level of over 170,000.
3 - Fast Start Bonus
A Fast Start Bonus is Seldom the only part of the compensation plan. More often then not it is used as an extra incentive to sponsor more people. The Fast Start Bonus is Typically a Lump sum payment of up to 100% of the First Months Membership for anyone you sponsor
4 - Sponsor Bonus
A Sponsor Bonus is often used with a Forced Matrix. It is usually a Monthly Recurring Bonus and is paid each month on everyone you personally Sponsor.
Breakaways are used with Matrix Pay Plans. When a Team member reaches certain qualification they break away from your team and you no longer receive the Matrix Pay out on that team member or anyone in that part of the Matrix (the Break Away). You do however receive a Lump Sum Monthly Commission of the entire Volume of the Break Away Unit.
Are often Used with matrix Pay plans. They allow you to earn down an Infinite number of Levels if you meet the Qualification. You could be blocked by someone on a lower level who also qualifies.
A Binary Plan is like a 2xInfinity Forced Matrix with a Twist. In a Binary you would have 2 Legs. You would typically earn a commission on the Entire Volume of your weakest Leg. Many binary's have systems in place that may allow you to earn Commissions at a later (via a Carryover) on your Strongest leg.
While the pay plan is important. It clearly is only one small part of the MLM you choose to join. You should look at the whole package, Pay Plan, Product, Automated Tools. Market Size, Start-Up Costs etc.
By Mike Makler
I Could Have Quit $1,000,000 Ago
Two Things (Maybe Three):
1) Over the course of this on-line training series, you will uncover ideas and formulas, that I dare say, you have never seen before.
Let this first training letter be an example. You'll see and you will uncover ideas and Networking antidotes that are typically reserved, only for "Senior" F/T $25,000 per month super-recruiters.
2) The second thing you will uncover, is that to break out of that traditional work-at-home mindset on something for nothing will require you to treat your home business like a REAL business. You will have to invest in yourself.
People Pay $40,000 to $75,000 For Almost Nothing
The training you are about to dig into was not written or intended for brand new people who haven't climbed up into the $2,000+ monthly income bracket.
Those types, the "newbies" and sophomore beginners probably would read what you are about to, and scratch their heads asking, "How is this going to translate to me making money." However, it's not better leads that ultimately makes Networkers become F/T mega-watt check earners. It's not even their companies products.
If it was, everyone with killer products would be making a F/T income in this industry. Instead, it is those who UNDERSTAND and know people.
Consider this. "Become the right kind of person and you begin to attract the right kinds of people."
It is people with INSIGHT into how people think. INSIGHT on how to motivate and lead people, it is those people, and only those people, who ultimately take a killer product and good lead sources, and recruit other super-winners.
Now then, with that said, let me speak to you, the advanced Networker.
The PROBLEM with (I said problem) with the "average" Networker is that they are F/T employees trying to pretend they are entrepreneurs about to create an extra $50,000 to $100,000 per year annual income.
I should know, I know what it is like to have a downline that does a Million a month in sales. I know what it is like to have people front-line earning $10,000+ per month.
Yup. I have been there, bought the T-Shirt and "done that." So listen up.
The problem is that most of the people we (we as an industry) are speaking to are employee minded people. People, bless their little white socks and employee badges linked around their necks, people who are used to being taken care of, burped and people unaccustomed to RISK.
This is why business owners, people who know what it is like to RISK money and people who are more prone to living on the edge, this is why THOSE kinds of people usually make the big F/T income in this industry.
Here is how the "employee" minded Networker thinks and speaks.
I am not a risk taker.
If I don't make my money back quick, I am going to quit this deal.
I won't recruit friends and family. That might embarrass me.
I want to earn $5,000 a month with as little investment as possible.
Now sit back and think. How many people have you spoken to like that over the past thirty days?
Admit it. We both speak to people like that all the time.
Try this.
Do this.
This will help you.
I want you to do something. And if you will do [this] you will be blown away and walk away with a much deeper appreciation for this industry.
Please go grab a local newspaper of yours. One of the big ones.
From there, I want you to locate in the paper, where the business opportunities are. I want you to NOTICE how much pizza shops and little convenience stores are selling for. Then I want you to spend a little time calling and investigating them. The reason is this.
I want you to see for yourself, first hand, that people are selling real businesses, for twenty-five to ($75K) seventy-five THOUSAND dollars that barely break even.
I want you to see that people ACTUALLY invest $75,000 in a little store in order to sit there TWELVE (12) hours per day in order to take home a net income of $500 a week.
I then want you to 100% totally appreciate how in this business, you can net $1,000 to $5,000 per month (first year) by investing under a grand a month in your home stay-at-home-business.
"Joe, how does this help my business?"
"Joe, who cares about Deli owners and how much they sell their businesses for?"
I'll tell you why this is such a BIG DEAL.
BECAUSE the people you are RECRUITING will NOT make you money and they will not stay with you without them investing in themselves BEYOND buying the products each month.
Imagine investing $75,000 bucks to buy a small business that turns a net profit of $25,000 a year. People do that all the time.
Now imagine being in our business and investing only $2,000 to $5,000 in order to make that EACH MONTH.
But that's not how the conditioned "employee" mind thinks.
The little guys, the newbies, the people YOU are going to train have to realize that in America, you don't create a $40,000 to $100,000 income for FREE.
Without advertising it won't work.
Without spending $200 to $500 a month on leads.
Something for nothing doesn't work.
The next time you have a new enrollee who balks at the idea of them spending $2,000 to "set themselves up" KNOW WHO THEY ARE.
They are the EMPLOYEE pretending to be an entrepreneur!
Their employee MIND does not understand?
I am a F/T employee at a company.
I now need to CHANGE how I think and act.
I need personal development.
I need to INVEST $2,000 to set myself up. Not $50,000.
But I need to invest in business tools, leads and ads.
And the problem, is that you as a heavy-hitter or even a soon to be heavy-hitter super recruiter and full-time mega-earner, it is YOUR JOB to educate and hold them accountable.
Insanity. Here is what it looks like.
"I want to earn an EXTRA $3,000 per month by investing only $200."
That's insane.
That's also, well, it's stupid.
And you need, as a leader, to EDUCATE and tell your younger freshman recruits when they are out-of-step. When they are setting themselves up for failure.
Lets be honest.
How many times have we recruited people who we knew full well would be "out" in a month or two? I will confess, I am guilty.
Just once then, just maybe, if only to exercise our integrity, we tell certain future recruits, "what? You don't have a $1,000 to get yourself started? Well you know what, do yourself a favor and buy a lottery ticket instead!"
So what can we do?
Knowing this, how can we change people from low minded "lottery" Networkers to entrepreneurs? How?
For one, educate them. Get them to read something like this.
For example, after you recruit someone and they tell you they only have $50 bucks to invest in building their business, ask them, politely, "just for kicks, can you name me a business in America that makes the owner an extra $25,000 a year for a monthly investment of $200?"
These ideas help you because THESE are the TYPES of people that answer opportunity ads. "Employee" types are out there wasting your time answering your ads and taking up your precious time on the phone.
Therefore, knowing what they look like, from a mile away helps you to better identify them faster.
The Entrepreneur doesn't have to get rich fast. They understand that slow is safer and that building a long term stable business is a safer bet that anything that promises to be fast money.
The entrepreneur is ready to invest $1,000 to $5,000 to set-themselves up. It's basic business 101.
Yes, it takes money to make money. It takes money to create a pipe-line (a funnel) of leads and prospects waiting to hear about your juicy opportunity. The Entrepreneur is patient. They have the long term vision.
Phone Interview Leads. Gotta love them.
What they are, are people that have been phone interviewed more than once by us. That's right. These are people without a primary program and people looking for an opportunity. Folks who have $300 to $500 to join and even more money to actually build their business.
By Joe Schroeder
9 Sure Fire Methods to explode your Downline
Everyone dreams of building a Profitable MLM Sales Team. Unfortunately many MLM Sales Team suffer from Massive Bleeding that starts at the Bottom and keeps moving up Month after Month. Here are 9 Simple Steps you can follow to not only stop the Bleeding but continue to grow your organization strong.
1 - Newsletter
Send out a weekly newsletter with a brief tip. Let your members know you care. It has been said they don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Use your newsletter to acknowledge and praise key team members, give tips and advice etc.
2 - Free Newsgroup
A newsgroup is a great way to promote teamwork. It enables your team members to help each other. A Newsgroup sets your team apart and makes it seem special.
Some Tips to Quick start your newsgroup:
Visit the Newsgroup often giving and requesting feedback. Make sure your team members know that you will visit the newsgroup on a regular basis. You might even want to post a schedule letting your team members know when you will visit the newsgroup. That way if your team members request feedback from you they will know when your next scheduled visit will be
Use your weekly newsletter from step 1 to promote your newsgroup and encourage your team members to take advantage of the newsgroup. Have a section of your newsletter devoted to your newsgroup.
You can set up a free Newsgroup at Yahoo, Google and MSN
3 - Set up a Free Forum
A Forum is similar to a newsgroup. A Forum has more features then a newsgroup and can be used in addition to or instead of a News Group. You can set up a free forum here http://forumwise.com/
4 - Blog
A Blog can be used to compliment your newsletter. Your blog is an additional way to keep in contact with your Team and show them you care. Make it a point to have a Quick Tips or Tools you can post once or twice a week in your blog. The Blog is also a great place to post timely updates. You should also post your weekly newsletter in your blog as an easy way for your team members to see previous newsletters. Encourage your team members to start their own blogs and even offer to link to team member blogs.
5 - Conference Calls
Organize regular Conference Calls. Conference calls can be used as a recruiting tool. Conference calls can also be used as a way to motivate and help your team. You should have some members only conference calls weekly in addition to conference calls each weeks devoted to recruiting. http://www.freeconference.com/
6 - The Buddy System
Set up small buddy groups. Encourage these buddy groups to have weekly conference calls amongst themselves.
7 - Ad Co-op
An example of an Ad Co-Op would be a Pay Per Click ad Campaign where the URL of members who participate in the Co-Op are rotated based on Co-Op Shares Purchased.
8 - Contest
A contest is a Great way to motivate your downline. Offer something of value, free Leads, An E-Book, Ad Co-Op Shares or even paying their membership fee for a month or more.
9 - Find your Leaders
It seems to be a common known fact that 20% of the people get 80% of the results. Find and motivate your 20%. Setup a time where you meet with your leaders, Seek your leaders advice and keep your leaders motivated. Let your leaders know they you will be their for them. Encourage your leaders to develop and help their leaders.
Bonus Tip 10 Free VOIP
Encourage the Use of a Free VOIP service like SKYPE. This way your team members can talk to you and each other without costly long distance charges. Free Services like SKYPE allow members to voice chat with each other over the Internet for free.
If you had to sum up the secrets of building and sustaining a large MLM team In three words Caring, Communication and Involvement stand out.
By using the above 9 Steps plus bonus step 10 you enable you not only enable your team members to communicate with you and each other but you strongly encourage communication. The Above Steps keep involved in the team and allow your team members to be involved also. Since actions speak louder then words by implementing the above steps you truly show your team how much you care.
By Mike Makler
Use This 3 Prong Team Building Power Punch To Explode Those MLM Teams
By Combining 3 Free Online Tools you will learn to Motivate Your Downline. Create a strong Team Identity and Promote Team Work and at the Same Time Explode your Downlines.
In a recent Article I talked about 9 Sure Fire Methods to explode your Downline. In this Article I discuss 3 of those methods in more detail.
Prong 1 - Newsletter You can E-mail this newsletter using the Downline Mailer or Free or Paid Auto responders available on the Internet. The Delivery method is secondary the key is to have a newsletter. You need to let your Downline Know you care and want to help them.
Here are some things you can do with your Newsletter
Announce Contests
Explain Key parts of the MLM program you are involved in
Run Contests
Spotlight a Downline Member of the Week
Have a Tip of the Week
Give Recruiting Tips
Announce the Ad Co-Op
Announce Conference Calls
Brag a little about how well you are doing
Encourage them to Join the Team Newsgroup and Post.Have your team members looking forward to receiving the newsletter by Keeping a Regular schedule as much as possible. If You say you are going to send out the newsletter every Friday, send it every Friday.
Prong 2 -The Team Blog A Blog just ads a little more versatility to your Newsletter. Post each and every Newsletter in your Blog. This allows new members to get up to speed by viewing old newsletters It also allows older members to review past newsletters anytime they need too.
In addition to the Newsletter Posts Be sure you blog at least 2 more times a week. Like Your Newsletter try and keep a Blog Schedule. Be sure and tell your team Members that you may have Surprise Blogs so to check more often. Encourage your Team members to add your RSS Feed to their Favorite Blog Reader
Things to Blog about
new Ad Resource you found.
A Little known feature of the MLM Program
A huge Surge in membership.
Some topic that seems to be getting attention in the Newsgroup
Update something you wrote in your newsletter with new and improved Information
A quote of the day, Week
An Interesting article someone else wrote Prong 3 - The Newsgroup The Newsgroup is the most important part of the 3 Prongs (You can sign-up for a free newsgroup at Yahoo, Google MSN) The Newsgroup is the place your team members can go to interact with each other. The newsgroup is the place where your team members help each other. This is the place your team to really does become a Team.
You need to be pro active in the newsgroup. You need to Post Replies to your team members. You need to ask Questions of your team members so you know how best to help them. Use the newsgroup to gauge the Pulse of the team. The Newsgroup is your eyes and ears into the heart and soul of your team.
Use your Blog and your newsletter to promote your Team Newsgroup. You really want to get all your team members involved in the newsgroup. The team Needs to know and believe the newsgroup is theirs and they can guide it any way they want too. Have the team to choose the newsgroup moderator.
By Mike Makler
Financially Free with Network Marketing?
Are you also curious, but skeptical, about becoming financially free with network marketing? Do you think financial freedom is only a dream? Why would network marketing be the answer? How should you use it to achieve financial freedom? Let's begin?
Let's assume you've got a job or you're self-employed. That means you have to show up for work to get paid. You can say you exchange your time for money. As we tend to spend our money on food, our home, car and other stuff, we have to keep exchanging our time for money.
Although most of us have accepted this, that doesn't mean it has to be this way. When you feel yourself resisting your 9 to 5 routine or the limited amount of income you'll be making, you're ready to look beyond these limits.
The solution to the "exchange your time for money"-problem is to create passive income. As the word suggests this is income that you don't have to work for. How can that be?
There are two ways by which you can achieve this:
1. Invest in Real Estate to get rental income
2. Own businesses that don't require your presence
You can still create passive income in real estate today, even without having money, but knowledge of buying houses in preforeclosure is a must. So, if this is your thing, go for it!
If you want to own a business, here are four ways you can get one:
1. Buy a business
2. Buy the rights for a franchise
3. Start your own business
4. Network marketing
The first two options generally require a large investment. If you have the money and the ability to tell a good opportunity from a bad one, be my guest.
The third option is the most difficult. Remember, you want it to be the kind of business that doesn't require your presence, so you'll have to have the knowledge to set up all kinds of business systems, hire people, get finance for the start-up period. Also, you have to have a product.
However, once you've managed to build a successful business, it can be very satisfying and it can make you very rich. Just read on to find out how you can learn the right skills while growing the capital for your start-up.
And then finally, network marketing. You don't need capital, there is already a product and all systems (production, communication, distribution, payments) are in place. This means you have no risk and you can start right away.
But can this be a business that doesn't require your presence? Well, not immediately, but you've got a great chance that it will be in a few years! How's that? Two reasons:
1. If you focus your marketing efforts on the internet, you can use tools like a website and an autoresponder. Once you've set-up these tools properly with your "unable to resist" marketing campaign and you've got traffic coming to your website, income is automatically generated for you for a long time after your initial efforts.
2. People can join the program under you. As you build your "downline" and teach them well, they start generating sales, from which you get your share. So for that part of your income your presence is no longer required either.
Then, when your presence isn't required anymore, you can set up another stream of passive income. With this strategy you are well on your way to financial freedom.
Network marketing doesn't necessarily have to be your end goal. Use network marketing to learn! Learn what it means to run a business. Then you can either excel in network marketing or prepare yourself to start and run your own business.
Hopefully, this article helped you make a choice if and how you want to become financially free. Making a choice you feel confident about helps you to keep going when things don't go as smooth as you would like them to go.
By Ruby Arens
A Simple Step by Step Approach to Fail Your Way to a Financially Successful Home Based Business
He (or she) who is the first to fail a Billion Times wins. He (or she) who dies with the Most Failures win. In order to start and run a Successful Home Based Business you need to learn how to fail. Those who fail the best and the most are the most successful.
In a Seminar Given by Robert Allen a few years back he said the Difference between those who are Financially successful and those who aren't, are that Financially Successful people know how to fail. Robert Allen went on to say that a Financially unsuccessful person fails trying to find a traditional job and when they finally succeed what do they have a JOB. But a Financially Successful people fails to put together a million Dollar deal, but when they finally succeed they have a Million Dollar Deal.
Taking Robert Allen's Theory of Failure a step further you will learn how to build a successful Home Based Business, failure by failure. Anyone who has tried to start a home based network marketing business knows about failure. If you have never been successful at running a home based network marketing business it is probably because you have not failed enough. You need to fail 100's upon 100's of times to establish a successful home based network marketing business.
The key to any successful Network marketing business is building a team. The secret to building a Good team is Failure. You make a call trying to add a team member and you are told no (that's a failure). You keep calling and they keep telling you no, (Failure after failure). You finally get someone to join your team, but they fail to build a team so they quit (another failure.) You may need to make 10, 20, 30 or more phone calls to get that 1 team member. You may need to get 3, 4, 5, or 10 team members to get a successful team member. You show me a successful home based network Marketing business and I will show you somehow who is a Top Notch Failure.
He who dies with the Most Failures is the "BIGGEST" Winner.
By Mike Makler
MLM Training- The New MLM Distributors Getting Started Checklist
A List for MLM Success.
That is what I am talking about here. Every new mlm distributor needs a checklist when they get started to create a "map" of what the need to do to get started.
If you have a checklist that a new network marketing distributor can follow and check off what he/she has done, then you have created a system that can not only be duplicated, but also taught.
By virtually anyone.
A checklist also will provide another thing besides duplication.
If a new MLM distributor knows that he/she will be asked about completing part of a checklist, then the odds of them doing it just went up a lot!
It simply shows the new Network Marketing distributor tasks that need to be done, and a good checklist will even have the date the task was done.
If a new mlm distributor has a list of things that they must do, the seriousness of the focus they have will increase significantly.
You, as a sponsor, must provide a PATH to success in the beginning that WALKS the new distributor through the first tasks that need to be done.
And it must be a step by step path.
Your checklist must have some form of direction to it and purpose. It cannot be just a list of tasks that are meaningless. They must be what will get the new mlm distributor prepared for the initial launch of their new MLM business.
There are many forms and kinds of checklists. I have seen many out in the industry, and all of them differed in some way.
It's not the list itself that is important as the fact that there is a track to follow and a path that you can access as you get started in this business.
A list should contain 3 things:
1) Tasks that Set up the new distributor with the MLM company.
This part of the list should contain what is needed to get the new distributor in the computer and inventory ordered, and anything else your company requires you to so.
2) A list of what needs to be done to set up and engage the MLM business.
This can be as simple as a warm market list and a time to start calling the names.
3) Target Dates to accomplish the tasks in Network Marketing.
Make the dates have a sense of urgency but not intimidating to the new person?
And a list should always be "user friendly" -- easy to follow and not complicated as this will expedite the new mlm distributor's willingness to get it done quicker.
Here is checklist that will work for any new distributor and get them focused and on track for Network Marketing success:
Steps to MLM Success for a New MLM Distributor.
1) Make sure all the paperwork is in and Product ordered.
2) Schedule the first MLM Training Session and Kick off Meeting
Kick Off Meeting Agenda for New MLM Distributor:
3) Go over the New distributor Manual-Section by Section
4) Call and get 3 way calling set up on their phone
5) Go through the tools and brochures and answer any questions
6) Start the warm market and "Hello it's Me" letter list (Memory Jogger)
7) Go through Fast Start Training (If applicable)
Date: ___________________________________
8) Role Play with new distributor approach and 3 way script
9) Set time to start 3 way calls
10) Plan First Exposure Meeting with warm market
As you can see, the first part is to get the paperwork out of the way, and then you do what I call a "Kick Off Meeting". This is a meeting that is set to train and officially "kick off" the business of the new mlm distributor.
Every new network marketing distributor needs an "Official Start" to their mlm business, and a Kick Off meeting accomplishes that. It is the starting point of where the new network marketing distributor starts working their business.
Follow the steps to the Kick off meeting and if there is a Fast Start training from your company, go over that with them. PassionFire has a Fast Start Training as well if your mlm company does not have one.
The tools are VERY important. Go over all the tools with the new mlm distributor, and make sure they have an understanding of them.
Role play with the new mlm distributor with 3 way calling. This is a MUST! It will help create confidence in them and also show them the power in the 3 way.
Then plan their first exposure meeting, usually in their home, or a luncheon, or just setting appointments with the new distributor to go see people.
Go over this checklist with the new mlm distributor, and START THEM OFF RIGHT for MLM Success in Network Marketing.
By Doug Firebaugh
Key Aspects Of A Successful Network Marketing Program
The world of network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence, and patience are three key elements which are vital to achieving successful results in a network marketing program.
PROMOTION is the lifeblood of network marketing. Whether you are using online methods or offline methods, or a combination of both, you must constantly strive to get your offering in front of a targeted audience.
There are thousands of published sources that deal with specific methods of network marketing (both online and offline), but the key point to be made here is that you must have an active promotion campaign designed to bring in a steady stream of new prospective downline members.
PERSISTENCE is a key element in network marketing success. You've gotta "just keep on keepin' on", even though frustation levels can be quite high at times.
After you have been at it a while, and have a downline large enough to provide reasonably accurate statistics, you will probably find that about 95% of your downline members are dormant and do nothing at all. Its easy to get down in the dumps or take it personally when you encounter so many "do nothing" people.
Therefore, it is really important work with and actively support the 5% or so that are serious about participating. And clearly, an active and effective promotion campaign will continue to bring in increasing numbers of potential participants so that while 5% is small on a percentage basis, it can still be a sizeable amount from a pure numbers standpoint.
PATIENCE is vital. You can expect that it will take about a year before the awsome power of geometric growth kicks in.
A classic illustration of geometric growth is the frequently used penny-a-day example.
If you save one penny on the first day, and double it every successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have 4 pennies, and so on) how much will you have at the end of 30 days? The answer, to the astonishment of many, is $5,368,708! Amazing, but true.
Its a sad statistic that most network marketers fail and it is often traceable to the fact that they did not exhibit enough persistence and patience to continue constantly promoting their business for the year or so that is required for success.
Network marketers that stick with it for a year or more often end up becoming the proverbial "heavy hitters".
In closing, I would like to encourage you to increase your chances of becoming a successful network marketer by always keeping a clear focus on "the three P's" of Promotion, Persistence, and Patience.
By Kirk Bannerman
Network Marketing Training- Secret MLM Recruiting Formula for Becoming 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof
It happens everyday.
Network Marketers go out, and get shot down. And they lay in their own pool of pity and excuses, never knowing that the whole scenario could have been prevented. Network Marketing recruiting is not a hazardous occupation, but you would never know it from some folks.
That is why you need "body armor."
Just like the kind that the Special Ops Commandos use in their operations. If they get shot at,the armor reflects or stops the bullet, and they live. You need that kind of armor in MLM, and you need to become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in MLM Prospecting!
Great! But how do you do that?
Easy. It all deals with reflecting the bullets of rejection from your mlm prospects, and doing it handily. That is something that anyone can do, and anyone can succeed at, as reflecting "rejection bullets" is handled by what we call a "Third Party Recruiter."
What is that?
It simply is a recruiting tool, CD, DVD, or Brochure, or website/webcast, or any other tool that you can use to tell the story of the MLM Network Marketing Company you enrolled in.
All you do, is ask them if they have a few minutes, as you would like to share an idea with them, that has really helped your life.
For example:
"Do you have a cd player in your car?"
"Yeah sure."
"Could you please do me a favor, and put this in and listen to it as you drive home?" It is that simple.
All you are doing with these recruiting tools are "sifting and sorting" as they call it, mlm prospects. I call it "Rating and Separating." You simply are rating the ones who show an interest as High, and the rest you are separating into a group for possible product purchases. Again, it is that simple.
And when you have given them a CD or DVD, and it has been a day or so, call them, and ask, "What was your favorite part about the DVD?" or "What did you like the best about the CD?" Assume they have listened to it, and focus them on what they liked best.
If they did not like it, you did not have to do a presentation, or go through the whole scenario of your mlm company. You saved a lot of time using a recruiting tool. And they did not reject you, but simply did not embrace the message that the tool shared with them.
It is called "Rejection Proof" Prospecting and Recruiting! And it can make you feel 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof because they did not tell you NO, but told you that the CD message was not for them.
But wait! It gets better!
You can fail 80%-90% of the time and still create a solid business with MLM prospecting tools! And you would be 10 Feet Tall and Spitting Bullets then! How would that happen?
It all deals with understanding the numbers in Network Marketing Success.
It revolves around sharing a recruiting CD/DVD/Brochure, 2 times a day with someone new. That is all. Just twice a day. We call it the "Two A Day" Formula, and lets say that you have 5 people in your group that is willing to hand out 2 CDs a day. Here is what has proven to happen:
5 people x 2 exposures a day= 10 EXPOSURES a day.
10 exposures a day x 30 days= 300 exposures a month.
300 exposures monthly x 12 months= 3600 EXPOSURES a year.
That would yield for the year about:
720 new customers (2 out of 10 prospects purchasing- 20%- 20% of 3600 = 720.)
180 new distributors (5 out of 100 prospects enrolling in your company- 5%- 5% of 3600 = 180.)
1440 referrals (2 referrals from the 720 new customers on average. You will average selling 3 out of 10 referrals.)
What would happen to your business if THIS HAPPENED? KABOOOOOM!
You would become 10 Feet tall, and Chewing Bullets for Gum! 720 NEW CUSTOMERS! 180 NEW DISTRIBUTORS! 1440 REFERRALS! And that is with a 80% FAILURE RATE!
And all you do, is hand out 2 mlm prospecting tools a day. Thats it, and let the numbers do their work.
How simple is that? This is all we did for 10 years, and built a HUGE group, as this simple Two a Day is totally duplicable, and multiplies!
Become 10 Feet Tall and Bulletproof in your MLM prospecting, by allowing this simple system to wrap you in "MLM Success Armor" and never feel the pain of rejection again! Let the recruiting tool take the hit, as you simply take the CD back. And give it to the next person!
It is NOT all about Talent, but TOOLS! And using them as a Third Party Recruiter/Prospector will help explode any business out there. And It is REJECTION PROOF Prospecting/Recruiting!
That alone would make anyone 10 Feet Tall and BulletProof in MLM Recruiting!
By Doug Firebaugh