Referensi MLM

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

Are You A Network Marketing Professional? Or, Are You An Amateur?

Do you look like a professional Network Marketer? Do You Talk like a professional Network Marketer? Do you write like a professional Network Marketer?

Do your marketing results show you to be a Network Marketing professional? And, most importantly, does your team see you as a professional? Or, are you viewed by them as an amateur?

You know, when I went to school they never taught us about professionalism. And, from what I hear, it is no different today.

As a result, society has gone to lower standards, and a mediocre life style is accepted. That's why so many people perform like amateurs and maintain a "just getting by" way of life.

So, which are you? "Are You A Network Marketing Professional, Or?.. Are You An Amateur?"

Below are 12 points to assist you in answering that very important question.

> A professional Network Marketer learns everything there is to learn about Network Marketing.

An amateur will spend time going around this, at every opportunity.

> A professional Network Marketer is able to discern the needs and wants of his/her team.

An amateur just assumes what his/her team needs and wants.

> A professional Network Marketer looks like a professional, talks like a professional, and dresses like a professional.

An amateur is lackadaisical in these areas.

>A professional Network Marketer is "Laser-Focused" and has a clear understanding of his/her "Why."

An amateur is not "Laser-Focused," is distracted, and is not clear on his/her direction.

> A professional Network Marketer learns from mistakes and uses them as stepping stones to a higher level of success.

An amateur will ignore or try and hide his/her mistakes.

> A professional Network Marketer will tackle things that may be difficult - things he/she really don't like to do.

An amateur will expend a lot of energy just to avoid these things.

> A professional Network Marketer will finish what he starts.

An amateur will just let things pile up, never really finishing anything.

> A professional Network Marketer is always positive and optimistic.

An amateur allows negativity to maintain prominence in his/her life.

> A professional Network Marketer is always ready to assist when problems arise.

An amateur will avoid others who have problems.

> A professional Network Marketer is always cheerful and enthusiastic.

An amateur is usually full of fear and insecurities.

> A professional Network Marketer never gives up.

An amateur gives up at the first sign of a struggle or a little adversity.

> A professional always over delivers.

An amateur does only what is necessary to survive.

So, which one are you...A Network Marketing 'Professional,' Or, A Network Marketing 'Amateur?'

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)

By Lou Everett, Sr.

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