Referensi MLM

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

EXPLODE Your Network Marketing Team Into An INCREDIBLE Recruiting Machine!

Let's face it! Most people who join a Network Marketing Company assume that their "A" number one function is to Prospect! Prospect! Prospect! - Enroll! Enroll! Enroll! So, they spend much of their time, money, and effort prospecting and enrolling, never realizing that these new people will need training, especially if they have never marketed before.

Of course, enrolling new people is SUPER important. But, I am here to tell you; there is more that you need to do, in order to succeed!

What's just as important, as Prospecting and Enrolling, is what you do with those new people, once they are enrolled and part of your team.

Think about it! What good is a whole bunch of new people that are doing absolutely nothing? That certainly wouldn't help your business any! Would it!?! But, what would happen if you worked with those people and trained them to duplicate your efforts? Whoa! You would be motivating them to cause an EXPLOSION in your organization!

Further, if you let them just sit there and do nothing, and you never communicate with them, they definitely won't make any money. What will be the result? They will drop out, and you will be forever prospecting and enrolling, instead of seeing your organization "EXPLODE into an INCREDIBLE Recruiting Machine!"

So, you must teach your people to DUPLICATE your efforts. When you do that, everyone in your group will do a little, causing a whole lot to be accomplished, throughout your organization. This benefits the whole team, and is a whole lot better than if only one person does all the work.

Just think?..If you had?..say?..10 good people and you taught them to duplicate your efforts. What would be the result? Your business would grow exponentially!?..And, what if you had 20 good people? * Think about that! * This is a very POWERFUL, POWERFUL way to build a business. The results will be *HUGE* Commissions Checks!

So, please don't enroll people and then ignore them. If you ignore them they will not stay with you. They will be gone within a couple of months. Instead, do everything in your power to ensure your team members succeed. This is the best way to build that AWESOME "Residual Income" that we all desire.

What is really AWESOME, though, is that this is a GREAT time to be alive and working our Network Marketing businesses. Why? --- Because of modern technology! Today, anyone can have their own website, their own Internet Voice Room for presentations and meetings, and the simplest form of communication on the net?..E-Mail.

Even the telephone companies, nowadays, have GREAT Flat Rate Long Distance packages which make it affordable for just about anyone to call as much long distance as they wish.

So, take advantage of all the fine tools that we have. Don't ignore your team members. Communicate with them! Work with them! Train them! Encourage them! If you do, you will "EXPLODE Your Network Marketing Team Into An INCREDIBLE Recruiting Machine!"

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)

By Lou Everett, Sr.

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