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Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

Do It! A Guide to Starting an Internet Business

The first thing I did was start searching the internet for a work at home business that would fit me. You name it and there are tons information on the Internet about every conceivable subject that you can possible think of. Each website has a "guru" who purports to teach you everything you need to know about starting online businesses.

As I searched the net for about 6 months, compiling ideas, thoughts and ways to start a business, I quickly became overloaded with information. I must have signed up with 100 or so newsletters, downloaded dozens of free eBooks, subscribed to untold numbers of free online courses, and the list just goes on. One smartest things I did during that time was I didn't spend a lot of money.

I finally came to the point where I said to my self, 'Donnie you have to get out of the learning phase, and do something. My mother used to say to me when I was growing up, "Son just do it!"

To be honest with you, the hardest thing for me was getting started. There were so many programs out there and I did not know which one to choose. I finally narrowed my choices down to three and finally to one.

So the message is this: Don't procrastinate! Just Do It, while you can. It can be confusing and overwhelming when you start a home base business so my message for you is make sure you are clear about how you are going to proceed. Here are some of the things I did to start with.

1. START WITH A WRITTEN PLAN. Write out your plan. Set goals. Imagine where you want your business to be in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year from now. Dare to dream and then do everything in your power to accomplish your goals.

2. PLAN TIME FOR YOUR BUSINESS. I know that all the ads have said that 1 hour a day or 6 hours a week will be enough but it is not and this is not a free ride. Set aside ample time each day to really work your business and it will succeed. In the beginning phase you must invest a lot of time in your business if you want it to succeed.

3. SET A BUDGET AND STAY WITH IT. It is very easy to sign up for everything that each "guru" says you must have. Don't fall for that. Most of what they are selling is going in their own pocket and out of yours. Set a budget and live with it. You'll be glad you did.

4. AVOID DISTRACTIONS. Distraction will prevent you from focusing on your ultimate objective and that is to make money online. It is how well you stay focused that will differentiate you from the many under-performing online dreamers. Online ventures involve commitment of time and money, though the capital to start out is substantially lower than that of a conventional brick-and-mortar business.

5. BE REALISTIC. Chances are you won't become a millionaire over night. Hey, that would be great but you can be pretty certain that won't happen. It takes time to build any business, so make up your mind that you are going to do whatever it takes to succeed. The sooner you begin, the sooner you will reach you goal!

6. JOIN FORUMS. This is one place where you can find other entrepreneurs who are always eager and willing to help you. You will find a lot of helpful people who don't mind our "newbie" questions. Everyone had to get started sometime, so ask your questions and they will be glad to answer.

Get ready to have a ball and be prepared to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake. Remember, you aren't the first and you won't be the last to "mess up." Get out there and get started because you can have a successful home based business.

By Donnie De Loney

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