Referensi MLM

Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

Opt-in MLM Leads: An Overview

In multi-level marketing (MLM), or network marketing, the MLM business owner recruits other independent distributors into his or her network. These prospects are called MLM leads, because they have shown some interest in the business opportunity. One of the best ways to contact potential customers or recruits is via email. The MLM business owner, however, must take precautions against sending "spam" or unwanted emails to people that are not interested. Thus, opt-in MLM Leads are the best prospects to contact via email.

What does "opt-in" mean?

The term "single opt-in" means that a subscriber chose to sign up for information from the sender of the email. The term "double opt-in" means that the subscriber has confirmed his or her subscription by responding to an automatically generated message sent to the email address. Using opt-in MLM leads give MLM business owners better prospects. One way to ensure the greatest number of opt-in MLM leads as possible is to use a leads capture web page.

An MLM leads capture page is a professionally designed web page designed to encourage people to request more information from you about the MLM business opportunity. This type of web site is valuable in generating MLM email leads, because the web site visitor is already interested in the business opportunity that the company is offering.

While a simple web site registration page may provide space for entering name and contact information, this may be an opportune time to inquire about the person's interest in the business opportunity. This task can be accomplished through a short survey included in the web site registration. The MLM business owner will then have the advantage of knowing that the lead is interested in the business opportunity, and that he is in a position to pursue it.

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